Publication page
of J.W. Koolwaaij

Format: Paper (PDF, 120836 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): S. Pokraev, Johan Koolwaaij & M. Wibbels (2003)
Reference:ICWS 2003, Las Vegas
Keywords:Web services
Format: Paper (PDF, 314001 bytes) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij, Peter Fennema & Diederik van Leeuwen (2003)
Reference:SVG Open 2003, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-18, 2003
Keywords:Context awareness
Format: Paper (PDF, 280774 bytes) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij & P. Strating (2003)
Reference:eChallenges 2003 workshop Future Workplaces: Supporting Mobile User and Worker
Keywords:Context awareness
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