Information: MobiLife Integrated Project in IST-FP6 is to bring advances in mobile applications and services within the reach of users in their everyday life by innovating and deploying new applications and services based on the evolving capabilities of the 3G systems and beyond.
Information: Finding the most beautiful places in Twente, exploring it by bike. This is what Abel offers to the tourists, guiding them via a PDA from hotel to hotel, via routes that fit their personal profile.
Information: This project's goal is to research and design a service and network infrastructure for context-aware and pro-active mobile applications, and validate this through prototyping with mobile health applications
Information: This project proposes a web services based application environment to facilitate and speed-up the development and deployment of context-aware integrated mobile speech and data applications. The application environment should allow (i) distributed applications to access and control the underlying 3G network that extends over multiple operator domains, and (ii) designers to develop and deploy application components for distributed applications that extend over multiple provider domains.
Information: ASPect is about introducing Application Service Providing (ASP) to Dutch Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME's). SME's are faced with a number of problems related to the availability of knowledge, money and people, which limit their ability to cope with ICT. The ASP model is a relatively new solution for outsourcing applications and related services by making these applications remotely accessible via the Internet on a rental basis. As such, ASP is an interesting solution to some of the problems of SME's.
Information: EAN Xforms is an XML-pilot in the construction, installation en do-it-yourself branches. Telematica Instituut developed technology for dynamically generated forms given the specification of the messages as described in the XML schemas of the EAN standard for procurement messages, including orders, order reponses, invoices and product catalogues. The demo is developed using standard web technologies, including XML, XML Schema and XSLT on top of a ASP.NET platform. This is a typical example of schema centric development: forms, stylesheets and documentation can be generated from the schema presented by a standardization body.
Information: The project Giga Transaction Services supports organisations in the development of innovative transaction services. It does so with state of the art knowledge, methods and software tools that allow for effective development of new services. Giga TS takes the business perspective as a starting point, looking at networks of organisations and the way e-commerce technology can support them. Methods and tools are rooted in a combination of technological and business knowledge of currently available and future components and e-commerce applications. In this way re-use of components is promoted and time-to-market of services is reduced. Fast and effective design and introduction of e-commerce services is our central objective.
Information: The 'Virtual port'-project is a co-operative initiative of ABN AMRO Bank, software-company CMG, Europe Combined Terminal (ECT) and Port CommunITy Rotterdam, supported by the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Telematica Institute Twente. The participating parties want the Rotterdam port will profit optimally of the advantages of the coming Internet network. The new generation Internet is reliable, secure and fast, has a large capacity and offers extensive possibilities for mobile communication (WAP, GPRS). Within the new generation Internet security is integrated within the network. The arrival of a message within a set time frame can be guaranteed. The network also allows transport of images (large capacity at once) and voice. The new Internet offers the possibility to participate in exchange of EDI messages with relative low investments compared to the actual traditional networks. The initiators of the project 'Virtual Port' will do research on what will be required for a broad roll out of the new Internet generation in the Rotterdam Port. The project will start June 1, 2000 and has a throughput time of two years. The research within 'Virtual Port' is concentrating on a few questions: how to make best use of the new generation Internet? What is necessary for the security of messages? Which new possibilities arise related to mobile data-transport? How does a new message standard as XML support the data-exchange and which international appointments have to be made? Which adjustments are required to migrate from the actual 'expensive' infrastructure to a relative cheap solution with the same characteristics and possibilities of extended functionality?
Information: Generic ICT services for business chains The objective of CHASE is to develop an infrastructure of telematics services for co-ordination and collaboration in chains of business activities. Focus is on design and prototyping of two services: tracking and tracing, and virtual inventory. CHASE also is directed to two important issues concerning ICT services in chains: the facilitation of semantic communication between parties, and the dynamic modelling of data.
Information: XML is an application profile or restricted form of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language [ISO 8879]. By construction, XML documents are conforming SGML documents. XML documents are made up of storage units called entities, which contain either parsed or unparsed data. Parsed data is made up of characters, some of which form character data, and some of which form markup. Markup encodes a description of the document's storage layout and logical structure. XML provides a mechanism to impose constraints on the storage layout and logical structure.
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